Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Inaccuracies in a Recent New York Times Article on the Modern Papacy

The article is linked here.  The reporter references the existence of two living popes in Rome and writes:

It’s a melding of papacies past and present that has no precedent and signals that the popes – while very different in style, personality and priorities – are of the same mind on certain issues and might even be collaborating on them.

But that's patently untrue.  People somehow get lost in the claims about Rome being the 'see of Peter'  overlooking that for Irenaeus (Adv Haer 3.2.2) and Gaius (as cited in Eusebius) and all early sources about the Roman Church it was the tradition founded on the authority of 'Peter and Paul.'  In other words, the working side by side of two leaders in Rome already has a precedent - it is the example of the original leadership of the Church, in Peter and Paul. 

Email stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.

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