I have now enjoyed reading the synopsis which you did kindly send in attachment. A most interesting text. No, the importance of the throne is no overemphasised.
What I can add to the story of the succession of the Alexandrian Patriarchs is that both the Coptic Church and the Greek-Orthodox Church claim that their Patriarch go back to St. Mark.
There is a complete list of Greek Orthodox Patriarchs [the Melekite Church] that starts with St. Mark and continue until today.
The Greek-Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria is the only who has the title of Pope and Patriarch, all other Patriarchs are just Patriarchs, including the Ecumenical of Constantinople.
The protocol places the Alexandrian Patriarch second in rank after the Ecumenical Patriarch and his tile is: Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and of All Africa, 13th of the Apostles and Judge of the Eucumene.
I still have to visit the Martyrium under the Coptic church of St. Mark in the Coptic cemetery....in fact today is the Day of St. Mark and tomorrow there is a special Mass at the Greek-Orthodox Cathedral in Alexandria.
I would also add that several leading archaeologist who lived and worked in Alexandria note on the maps they made of the ancient city the Martyrium of St. Mark near the shores at Chatby, the most prominent is Giuseppe Botti on his map of the end of the 19th century.
I am not an archaeologist but an historian-researcher in the topography of ancient Alexandria [I have lead for the last 11 years the Greek Archaeological Mission excavating underwater in Alexandria].