Saturday, May 2, 2009

Eusebius had a version of Josephus which said that Marcus Agrippa was made king of Judea during the reign of Claudius

A sample of what appears in the Real Messiah order it here

The passage in Church History Book II: Chapter XIX

Claudius appointed Agrippa, son of Agrippa, king of the Jews, having sent Felix as procurator of the whole country of Samaria and Galilee, and of the land called Perea.

This completely contradicts the surviving texts of Josephus which say that Agrippa NEVER was truly king of the Jews. Felix' history is messy because it is claimed in our surviving texts that he married Agrippa's sister which certainly wasn't true. Felix had authority over Judea in 52 CE.

Email with comments or questions.

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