Friday, June 12, 2009

Boid on the Date of the Resurrection

It occurs to me that you might not be convinced by my insistence that normal traditional Christian theology doesn’t put the Resurrection on the first day of the week. Strictly speaking, the Resurrection was not DURING THE COURSE of either the seventh of the first day. The mission of Jesus to the Underworld, where he preached to “the angels that kept not their first estate” (Epistle of Jude, referring to I Enoch and Genesis VI), lasted one full Sabbath, with not an instant missing at the start or the end. On the other hand, there was not one instant of the first day when he was not alive on our level of existence, that is, the Resurrection was not even one instant later than the start of the first day.

Please believe me when I tell you that the ignorance of what Christianity is about and what it means is enough to make the angels weep. And don’t think theological training institutions are better. They just have more data. This is why I have not worked in a theological training institution for many years, and why I suddenly resigned from membership of various high-level Church Councils many years ago. It is just too hard being surrounded by ignorance. I have found much more understanding in the small lay groups that I have looked after (in an official recognised capacity) for many years.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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