Monday, May 5, 2008

On IV Baruch and Agrippa

The Fourth Book of Baruch is preserved in Greek. The Ethiopic version is a translation from the Greek. The book is often cited by its Greek name Paralipomena Ieremiou or The Rest of the Words of Jeremiah. If you look at how the editors assign some bits as Jewish and others as Christian, one little bit after the other again and again, you will see that the question of what can be Jewish and what can be Christian has not been grasped. Have another look using this insight. You might find it profitable. Don’t worry about the anachronism of fusing the two destructions of Jerusalem. The author did it deliberately.

A narrative and revelation of Baruch, concerning those ineffable things which he saw by command of God. Bless Thou, O Lord. 2 A revelation of Baruch, who stood upon the river Gel weeping over the captivity of 3 Jerusalem, when also Abimelech was preserved by the hand of God, at the farm of Agrippa. And he was sitting thus at the beautiful gates, where the Holy of holies lay.

Verily I Baruch was weeping in my mind and sorrowing on account of the people, and that Nebuchadnezzar the king was permitted by God to destroy His city, saying: Lord, why didst Thou set on fire Thy vineyard, and lay it waste? Why didst Thou do this? And why, Lord, didst Thou not requite us with another chastisement, but didst deliver us to nations such as these, so that they reproach us and say, Where is their God? And behold as I was weeping and saying such things, I saw an angel of the Lord coming and saying to me: Understand, O man, greatly beloved, and trouble not thyself so greatly concerning the salvation of Jerusalem, for thus saith the Lord God, the Almighty. For He sent me before thee, to make known and to show to thee all (the things), of God. For thy prayer was heard before Him, and entered into the ears of the Lord God. And when he had said these things to me, I was silent. And the angel said to me: Cease to provoke 7 God, and I will show thee other mysteries, greater than these. And I Baruch said, As the Lord God liveth, if thou wilt show me, and I hear a word of thine, I will not continue to speak any longer. God shall add to my judgement in the day of judgement, if I speak hereafter. And the angel of the powers said to me, Come, and I will show thee the mysteries of God.

I forgot to mention that IV Baruch is often called The History of the Rechabites. You might like to consider whether the historical sect of Rechabites in the time of Jeremiah are used as a coded symbol for a movement in 70 A.D..

A sample of what appears in the Real Messiah order it here

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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