Friday, June 12, 2009

Boid on the number 77

What he [Benny] says about the common misuse of gematria is true, but that’s no reason for not answering the question. He is right in saying that not everything in the מימר מרקה is actually by Marqeh, that the whole of the sixth book is late, and that Marqeh himself doesn’t OBVIOUSLY use gematria, but that wasn’t your question. I think if I look at the wording of the Aramaic where gematria is used I can work out what the term must have been.

I said you don’t realize the importance of your observations on Ephesians IV: 7. Now that I have read the Targum of Psalm LXVIII: 19 and its context, I can follow the author’s argument, which is very important or even CENTRAL theologically. When I have time I’ll list for you the verses of the Torah from which the Targum takes what it says. As I keep saying year after year, if you can’t find the possibility of Christianity (not the Evangelical “proof”’), and have to put Isaiah above Moses, and then misread Isaiah, then you don’t know what Christianity is, and all you have is an artificial religion probably made up in the late first c. A.D. to neutralize the force of the real thing.

Email with comments or questions.

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