Friday, June 12, 2009

On Sabaoth שבעות

I asked:

Doesn't the name Sabaoth also have a value of 778 which is 777 plus one?

Boid responds:

Have a look at the spelling of the Hebrew word in the title of this message. You have made me realise that I had been accepting the obvious explanation of the name Sabaoth without thinking. You have raised a serious possibility in connecting it with the no. seven. Representation of a letter and sound ‘AYIN by alpha is standard at this period. This is partly out of necessity, partly because when there was still a pronounced consonantal ‘Ayin in all positions it affected the neighbouring vowels, and partly because when ‘Ayin disappeared in some positions later on it became an “a” sound. So שבעות שבעות is a real possibility. The apparent connection with צבאות might only be illusory.

There is no connection with the Sabaeans. The root is TSADE-BET-ALEF.

Please note this for a footnote some time. I sent the information long ago, but it wouldn’t’ve meant so much then. The name of the Sebuaeans is ABSOLUTELY CERTAINLY connected with the no. seven. First, we have the name in an ARAMAIC Jewish text from the time of the Ge’onim, when it is known that there were still Sebuaeans. The reference is Sefer Halachot Pesukot. Second, the transcription by Abu ‘l-Fath. confirms this. Third, the confused account by Epiphanius shows he had been told there was a connection with the no. seven.

I didn’t make a grammatical error, which would be impossible, though I says it as shouldn’t. I made a TYPING error. Now you have uncovered my closely guarded secret, that I’m not perfect even though pretending to be. But then again, you doubtless twigged to this a long while ago.

I forgot to mention that I have a CERTAIN etymology of the name Achamoth, which I will explain tomorrow. I also forgot to mention that if the name Sabaoth is connected with the no. seven, it must be connected with Shavu’ot, Pentecost, the occasion of the revelation of the first and second Torah. Moses first became King on that occasion, because he then had a congregation to rule.(see the first verses of Deuteronomy XXXIII, and the phrase vayehi melech be-Yisra’el, meaning “and then (after the revelation of the Torah) there was a King in Israel”. Also Samaritan and Jewish tradition). The Christian Church came into existence on the second occasion.

Email with comments or questions.

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