Saturday, June 13, 2009

Boid on the Symbolism of the Resurrection

The days of Easter are to be counted from sunset to sunset. That means the third day starts after dark on Saturday night. It would be absolutely wrong to regard the Resurrection as having been delayed till dawn on Sunday. What is essential is to count three days, one a period of a few hours on Friday, one being the full twenty-four hours of the Sabbath, and one of twenty-four hours looking back. The symbolism of the Sun must fit in with this division. The MANIFESTATION of the Resurrection happened at dawn on Sunday, that is, about twelve hours after the Resurrection. The manifestation of Resurrection is not the event of Resurrection. The symbolism of the Sun.

The symbolism of the manifestation at dawn on Sunday fits in with the assumption that the Resurrection was at the very end of the Sabbath. In terms of solar symbolism, there was no Sun at all on the Sabbath, not even during what would normally be daylight hours. Daytime on Easter Saturday feels like a long solar eclipse. I don’t just mean that is the symbolism, I mean that is how it feels. The Scriptural readings fit in with the symbolism and the feeling. The time Jesus was in the Underworld, when he preached to “the angels that kept not their first estate”, is therefore the full twelve hours of the Sabbath night. The period when he was in an upper realm is the full twelve hours of the daytime of the Sabbath. He was not on our level. That is the eclipse. The Sun hasn’t gone away, but we can’t see it.

After thinking this through, I have to belay what I said in the previous message. There is something wrong with regarding the Resurrection as having occurred at dawn on Saturday.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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