Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Jews would not have viewed Jesus' martyrdom as a Passover Sacrifice

The Jews would NOT have looked at the slaughter of Jesus as a Passover slaughter because according to their religion the event had already occured. It always struck me as odd how the Jews wouldn't have seen the obvious symbolism of crucifying Jesus on the Passover. Yet if the underlying logic was Samaritan you can immediately see how not only "the powers were fooled" into "slaughtering" Jesus the "Paschal lamb" but also how the narrative as a whole served as a vindication for Samaritanism in a sense because it "proved" that world and God ran according to the Samaritan system.

Only with such a twofold understanding (and subsequent "misunderstanding") of Jesus' relationship to the Passover does everything begin to make sense.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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