Friday, June 12, 2009

On the Tetragrammaton

I said:

Well here is my question - and it is a stupid one. If according to my underlying theory the creation of man or the world was related to a cosmic "vav" being emitted from heaven (a la the fall of Lucifer myth) could the seperation of YH and VH (which is preserved in various kabalistic sources) be connected with your Ialdabaoth interpretation?

Boid said:

Just a reminder. Don’t forget the letter HE in the name Yah is a real consonant, and so is the first HE in the name YHWH. The second HE in the name YHWH is a vowel-marker. If you look at the name Yah in a pointed text, you will see that it has a dot in it. This is called a mappiq and is used to show that the HE represents a consonant. The first HE in the name YHWH can be seen to be a real consonant by the sheva (two dots one under the other).

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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