Monday, July 20, 2009

On Supernatural Conspiracy Theories

Whenever I put forward the idea that the real truth of Christianity was suppressed during the Antonine period, I inevitably get this 'oh, your into conspiracy theories' response from NT scholars.

It's like they think that they are above that sort of thing.

Yet when you actually look at the foundation of their Catholic tradition we see what amounts to being the most implausible SUPERNATURAL CONSPIRACY THEORY EVER.

Yes, you've heard me right. The Catholic Church is built on a supernatural conspiracy theory.

So if you look down on 'popular conspiracy theories' regarding Roswell New Mexico, JFK, Princess Diana and you believe in Jesus Christ don't you DARE claim for a moment that you are above postulating 'hidden hands' controlling world events. Your entire religious world view was actually founded by the worst kind of conspiracy theorists.

For you see when Irenaeus set about to reshape the canon, the doctrine and the faith of contemporary Christianity in the Commodian age (c. 180 CE) he - like all contemporary conspiracy buffs - was at a loss to explain why everyone knew a different version of the truth than he was proclaiming.

So it was that when the rest of the world used single, long gospels (rather than his fourfold canon) and DID NOT believe that Jesus was proclaiming himself as the Christ (or indeed worst still cited the Jewish understanding of what a messiah was in order to prove that Jesus couldn't possibly have claimed to be such a figure) Irenaeus cited 'the Devil' as organizing a contemporary conspiracy with individual 'heretics' like Marcion, Valentinus and others to account for why there was no evidence to support his own claims.

The examples from Irenaeus' 'supernatural conspiracy' start to pile up in Against the Heresies after the author develops his lengthy list of 'heresies' - i.e. those traditions which came before Irenaeus which contradicted his claim that indeed 'Jesus was the Christ.' The most important witness against this belief were the Marcionites. They held that Jesus announced the Apostle (the one we call Paul) as the one Jesus announced (see Acts of Archelaus for the most explicit example of this formulation).

Now as we have noted in other posts Irenaeus couldn't just say that HE BELIEVED that the Marcionites were controlled by Satan. He had to invent a scenario where his supposed master Polycarp met 'Marcion' and testified to his alleged part in the 'supernatual conspiracy.' So we read in Book Three of Irenaeus account the famous story that:

Polycarp himself replied to Marcion, who met him on one occasion, and said, "Dost thou know me?" "I do know thee, the first-born of Satan." [AH iii.4.3]

I have to admit for years I fell for Irenaeus' manipulation of Polycarp's position. It was only when I read a number of articles identifying Marcionite traits in Polycarp's Letter to the Philippians that I started to have my doubts.

In any event Irenaeus goes on throughout his book to augment this 'supernatural conspiracy' to involve ALL the heresies identified in his first book as we see in a number of examples cited here:

Since, therefore, they [the heretics] have been deserted by the paternal love, and puffed up by Satan, being brought over to the doctrine of Simon Magus, they have apostatized in their opinions from Him who is God, and imagined that they have themselves discovered more than the apostles, by finding out another god; and [maintained] that the apostles preached the Gospel still somewhat under the influence of Jewish opinions, but that they themselves are purer [in doctrine], and more intelligent, than the apostles. [ibid 12.3]

These men, even as the Gentiles, have been sent forth by Satan to bring dishonour upon the Church, so that, in one way or another, men hearing the things which they speak, and imagining that we all are such as they, may turn away their ears from the preaching of the truth [AH i.25.3]

we shall show in its fitting-place, that this class of men have been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God, and thus to a renunciation of the whole [Christian] faith [ibid i.21.1]

such spirits as are commanded by these men, and speak when they desire it, are earthly and weak, audacious and impudent, sent forth by Satan for the seduction and perdition of those who do not hold fast that well- compacted faith which they received at first through the Church. [AH i:13:4]

Marcus, thou former of idols, inspector of portents, Skill'd in consulting the stars, and deep in the black arts of magic, Ever by tricks such as these confirming the doctrines of error, Furnishing signs unto those involved by thee in deception, Wonders of power that is utterly severed from God and apostate, Which Satan, thy true father [ibid i.13.6]

Let those persons, therefore, who blaspheme the Creator, either by openly expressed words, such as the disciples of Marcion, or by a perversion of the sense [of Scripture], as those of Valentinus and all the Gnostics falsely so called, be recognised as agents of Satan by all those who worship God; through whose agency Satan now, and not before, has been seen to speak against God, even Him who has prepared eternal fire for every kind of apostasy. For he did not venture to blaspheme his Lord openly of himself; as also in the beginning he led man astray through the instrumentality of the serpent, concealing himself as it were from God. Truly has Justin remarked: That before the Lord's appearance Satan never dared to blaspheme God, inasmuch as he did not yet know his own sentence, because it was contained in parables and allegories; but that after the Lord's appearance, when he had clearly ascertained from the words of Christ and His apostles that eternal fire has been prepared for him as he apostatized from God of his own free-will, and likewise for all who unrepentant continue in the apostasy, he now blasphemes, by means of such men, the Lord who brings judgment [upon him] as being already condemned, and imputes the guilt of his apostasy to his Maker, not to his own voluntary disposition. Just as it is with those who break the laws, when punishment overtakes them: they throw the blame upon those who frame the laws, but not upon themselves. In like manner do those men, filled with a satanic spirit, bring innumerable accusations against our Creator, who has both given to us the spirit of life, and established a law adapted for all; and they will not admit that the judgment of God is just. Wherefore also they set about imagining some other Father who neither cares about nor exercises a providence over our affairs, nay, one who even approves of all sins. [v.26.2]

The point of this exercise of course is to make clear that ANYONE WHO ACCEPTS THE TESTIMONY OF THE CHURCH FATHERS NECESSARILY BUYS INTO A CONSPIRACY THEORY. I hated when these idiots point their finger at me saying that I promoted conspiracy theories when their whole world view is built on the most fantastic type of conspiracy - one involving supernatural agents.

All that the Real Messiah argues is that the Roman government took an active role in the development of Christianity from the very beginning. Is this really that crazy of an idea? We know that the authorities in Rome actively repressed a number of barbaric religious forms when they were first introduced to Roman society. Whether it be the religion associated with the Great Mother, Isis and host of other traditions the ancient rulers of Rome - like any government ancient or modern - wanted to ensure that the values of these new faiths were in line with what was acceptable in Roman society.

Does anyone doubt that the religion of the Great Mother became 'Romanized'? That it became somewhat modified in order to gain acceptance in Roman society? Why then is it so ridiculous to assume the same thing about Christianity or even Judaism for that matter?

Oh, I hate being the one to make these idiots think. They really should be doing it on their own.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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