Sunday, September 6, 2009

Another Major Revelation - I Know Why the Markan Baptism Ritual in Secret Mark is Called "Redemption"

I'm at the local Target with my son and I figured it all out. I know why it was called redemption. It all goes back to Judaism and the "pidyon ha ben" ritual.

Mark is identified as a child disciple of Jesus. It can all be explained as a messianic variation of a traditional practice initiated by Marcus Agrippa (who is always identified as being against circumcision) and maintained by the Marcionites throughout the ages and STILL maintained by some Orthodox (Copts included) into the twentieth century.

This is big my friends and will be the subject of my next academic article.

I will work out bits and pieces "out in the open" here with you but with this we really have "broken through the wall" that separated us from the truth.

This is the real "Jewish Christianity" that previous generations couldn't see, wouldn't see because it is so radical.

My God folks, this is going to be big.

More later ...

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.