Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Do You Want to Know How Stupid the Lubavitchers Are?

Here is Agrippa making the news with the Lubavitchers. However because the Jewish tradition does not distinguish between an 'Agrippa I' or an 'Agrippa II' - identifying only one Marcus Julius Agrippa as ruler of Israel in the period, the Lubavitchers ended up taking a bust of the entirely Roman Marcus Vispanius Agrippa (no relation to the Jewish king of the same name) for their 'documentary' - 'How Flattery Destroyed a People.'

Why don't this fools read the Yosippon to realize how important Agrippa was to the Jewish people for centuries before their new 'messiah' came along'! Also, why don't they read what is actually written in the Talmud about Agrippa. The first opinion does not condemn the sages.

At least Agrippa was a 'real messiah' as opposed to their schlub.

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