Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is Ritual Castration Rather Than Homosexuality The Real Context of To Theodore?

I have been working on the ultimate proof for the authenticity for to Theodore. Just driving now but let me give you a quick sample of what I am to:

Many are eunuchs; and these panders serve without suspicion those that wish to be free to enjoy their pleasures, because of the belief that they are unable to indulge in lust. But a true eunuch is not one who is unable, but one who is unwilling, to indulge in pleasure. [Clement Instructor III.4]

For these are the "wandering stars" referred to in the prophecy, who wander from the narrow road of the commandments into a boundless abyss of the carnal and bodily sins ... and boasting that they are free, they have become slaves of servile desires. Such men are to be opposed in all ways and altogether. [Clement To Theodore]

Email stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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