Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Marcionite Christian Ideal ... And a 'Runner for Christ' Too ...

The Sun reports that the world's fastest woman - South African track star Caster Semenya - is really a hermaphrodite. Remember that line from the original gospel that got edited out of Irenaeus' edition:

When Salome inquired when the things concerning which she asked should be known, the Lord said: When ye have trampled on the garment of shame, and when the two become one and the male with the female is neither male nor female. In the first place, then, we have not this saying in the four Gospels that have been delivered to us, but in that according to the Egyptians. (Stromata iii. 13. 92)

Oh yes, this is supposed to be one of those times when the gospel WAS speaking allegorically. You have to remember that whenever something is referenced which sounds 'weird' to our inherited sensibilities it is allegorical. Another rule of the game I forgot to put on my list.

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