Saturday, September 19, 2009

More on Ambrose's Description of the Arian Understanding of the Enthronement of the Christ

Be your gates lifted up, then, that Christ may come in unto you, not such a Christ as the Arians take Him to be— petty, and weak, and menial— but Christ in the form of God, Christ with the Father; that He may enter such as He is, exalted above the heaven and all things; and that He may send forth upon you His Holy Spirit. It is expedient for you that you should believe that He has ascended and is sitting at the right hand of the Father, for if in impious thought you detain Him among things created and earthly ... But if you should seek Him among earthly beings ... [Ambrose, Exposition of the Christian Faith IV.24]

If you are interested in reading how this observation fits within my greater understanding of the workings of Secret Mark WITHIN the contemporary Alexandrian Church please go here

If you want to read more about how Alexandrian Christianity was rooted in the Jewish traditions of Alexandria, Philo of Alexandria and more feel free to purchase my new book here

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.