Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Origen on the Christ Ruling the Alexandrian Church from His Throne

If we wish to be ruled by God, let not sin rule in any way in our bodies and let us not obey its commands, when it summons our souls to the works of the flesh which is alien to God. Rather, let us put to death the members that are on earth and let us bring forth the fruits of the Spirit so that the Lord may as it were walk about in us as in a spiritual garden ruling alone over us with His Christ sitting in us at the right hand of the spiritual power we pray to obtain and seated until all His enemies in us become the stool of his feet and every rule and authority and power is destroyed from us [Origen On Prayer XXV]

Not only did the original Alexandrian throne of St. Mark have an image of a garden on its backrest (qv) the Passio Petri Sancti makes clear that the little chair has a footrest (mentioned above) which the seventeenth Patriarch Peter I sat on instead of the throne.

Think about it.

If you are interested in reading how this observation fits within my greater understanding of the workings of Secret Mark WITHIN the contemporary Alexandrian Church please go here

If you want to read more about how Alexandrian Christianity was rooted in the Jewish traditions of Alexandria, Philo of Alexandria and more feel free to purchase my new book here

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.