Borg, Crossan, the First Paul (Harper One)
Stephan Huller, the Real Messiah (Watkins), 17,650
I set out to write a book that would be a complete 'revaluation of all values' and not embarrass myself in the process. The Real Messiah is really like nothing you have ever read before (even though I truly think that my next book will even be better).
My mother is eating lunch so I have a few seconds to tell you what is coming up at this blog:
(a) I will prove that 'those of Mark' (the Marcosians) mentioned in Irenaeus Against the Heresies Book I chapters 13 - 21 are explicitly identified as using a single, long gospel (or what other scholars would call 'a Diatessaron')
(b) I will repeat (at the risk of boring regular readers of this blog) that 'those of Mark' are one and the same with the Alexandrian community of Clement, the author of the letter to Theodore
(c) I will prove that Origen, Clement's successor in Alexandria, employed a 'Diatessaron' or single, long gospel even when commenting on canonical gospels
(d) I will demonstrate that Clement's gospel of Mark resembled the Diatessaron in terms of its structure from his Can the Rich Man be Saved
(e) I will also attempt to tie all these arguments together by making the case for Secret Mark as a text which resembled the Diatessaron
Mother is getting angry with all this typing. Have to go but I just wanted to reassure my readers that there is still a lot more work to do ...
If you want to read an interesting bookbuy the Real Messiah here.