Of course, my theory that St. Mark was likely one and the same with Marcus Agrippa and Marqe the son of Tite, the man who established the Samaritan religion is a well established 'Jewish agenda.' You know how much the Jews loved the Herods and their Samaritan neighbors.
It is amazing how the idea of a 'Jewish agenda' or 'Jewish conspiracy' inevitably roll of the lips of religious teachers.
And so the question still remains - how can these 'experts' whose knowledge of Judaism is only limited to 'ideal models' divorced from any historical reality having any meaningful knowledge about their own tradition - i.e. Christianity? As I have noted innumerable times - where is the Jewish soil from which the tree of Irenaeus' Christianity is supposed to have developed?
With the Marcosians - i.e. Clement of Alexandria - it is obvious, their seed was planted in Alexandria, in the soil of the Boucolia, where the Church of St Mark still lies buried. But aside from paying lip service to 'the Creator' where's any sign of a substantive connection with Judaism on the part of the Catholic Church?
Indeed that's the point - it's all based in the clouds, in the wind or spirit which is ultimately from a scientific perspective the same as saying it never existed, it was all made up ...