Do I really care? No, not really. But the unfortunate reality is that I would have likely stopped blogging all together if no one was reading what I was writing.
As I have noted many times before I blog to prevent me from cheating on my wife. You'd be worried too if you had this waiting for you in Florida.

But seriously folks, I don't know why I do this. At one time i thought it would help sell my book but you know the parable mother's tell their daughters - why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. Anyway here is my ranking relative to bloggers who 'do what I do' - i.e. early Christian origins, gnosticism etc.
27 Neil Godfrey -------Vridar --------------------------------656407
76 Stephan Huller’s Observations ----------------1751602
78 Stephen C. Carlson Hypotyposeis ---------------------1778048
86 R. Joseph Hoffmann, Hys Blogge ---------------------- 2017666
90 James Tabor ------- Tabor Blog ------------------------2181178
132 April DeConick Forbidden Gospels Blog --------------3734360
n/a Timo Paananen Salainen evankelista
It's wonderful that we should have so many readers over here. Let's see if we can drive some traffic over to Timo's wonderful site. He always has interesting things about Secret Mark up that are well worth reading ...