Sunday, January 24, 2010

Earliest Christianity - It All Comes Down to Mark

I have been developing a lot of exciting lines of inquiry here which all go back to one point - the only HISTORICAL figure of any reality at the beginning of Christianity is the man who wrote the original gospel. I remember have a conversation with a prominent professor in the To Theodore debate and he joking said that if people really wanted to split hairs what are Matthew and Luke but forgeries too? The point is that few people have actually thought about the implications of Markan primacy. It's like they want everything to stay the same even though we are essentially throwing Irenaeus model for four gospels being created by the agency of one Holy Spirit out the window.

You can't do that, my friends, and still call this a science (do people actually refer to New Testament scholarship as 'scientific'? Really, who are these people that do that? I'd like to meet them).

Markan primacy changes everything and then Morton Smith's discovery of Secret Mark completely overturns the table.

That's why people are fighting so hard to keep it out of the discussion ...

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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