Monday, January 4, 2010

When You Really Think About the Israelites Being Redeemed at the End of the Seventh Day

What I love about the Samaritan system is its purity. There is really only Moses to consider (or at most, Mark-the-one-like-Moses' interpretation of Moses). So I started to think about the traditional Samaritan understanding of the Israelites emerging from the sea 'purified, glorified and magnified' [Mimar Marqeh II.5] and how closely the whole understanding resembled the gnostic idea of a 'redemption baptism.'

But then I thought - how was God or his glory 'in the water' with the Israelites as Mark puts forward? After a few moments, I had a flash of inspiration. I just thought about what time it was. The sun was setting and in effect 'descending into the sea on the horizon.' According to a primitive understanding, the solar charioteer was 'in the water' with the Israelites as the seventh day 'went out' into the eighth day.

Once again at its most ancient, the religion of Israel was connected with sun worship ...

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.