Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Why Marqe Cites BOTH the Hebrew AND Greek of Exodus 15:1 in his HIGHLY MYSTICAL Chapter Seven from Book Two of the Mimar Marqe (the Treatise of Mark)

Marqe was a mystic ABOVE ALL ELSE. This is why traditional scholars don't know what to do with his writings. There is an 'outer shell' which they can follow. But they don't know what to do with his 'inner meaning.' Here is another example from the present chapter we are studying (Mimar Marqe II.7)

As we have shown, Marqe OBSESSES with two first words of the Song of the Sea (Exodus 15:1). He never explicitly explains what it is about the letters which make up these two words (Hebrew AZ, Aramaic TTA) that caught his eye. But I will explain it to you.

I will explain a tradition that was obviously passed on viva voce between generations of Samaritans.

As a Jew of Frankist lineage let me explain you the truth:

Hebrew text reads AZ YShR = 'then sang' [Exodus 15:1]
Greek text reads tote ēsen = 'then sang' [ibid]

Marqe cites both AZ (alef-zain) and TTA (tit-tit-ayin) because he is emphasizing the ogdoad (i.e. 'the eighthness' a messianic principle common to Christianity AND Samaritanism.

Hebrew = AZ = 1 + 7 = 8
Greek (transposed to Aramaic) TTA = 9 + 9 + 70 = 88

Marqe is emphasizing that the redemption will occur according to the principle of 'eight.

Think about it, my friends. How far are we from Marcus' interest in identifying the name Jesus as being equal to 888?

These are things that scholars can't explain to you ...

I am showing you things ...

Email stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.