Thursday, February 25, 2010

And Now At Long Last Some REAL News About the Mar Saba Document ...

There is no doubt that the internet is abuzz with information about 'Secret Mark.' I happen to have had a small role in helping get the word out that Roger Viklund had effectively disproved the central proof of the Gospel Hoax for instance. I also published a blog post which congratulated Carlson for his role in demonstrating that another purportedly ancient text was a forgery.

Nevertheless, I think most people would agree that most of what is said and written in the blogsphere about 'Secret Mark' is tangential at best. Yet here is one bit of news which deserves a place in the New York Times - or at the very least - a newspaper or journal devoted to Biblical Archaeology. And as Timo and a few other scholars will I think acknowledge I had yet another small role getting the ball rolling WITHIN THE PATRIARCHAL LIBRARY to finally get to the bottom of whether the Mar Saba manuscript still exists (I have been forwarding emails from my source to these people since the middle of last year).

I will withhold the name of my source for the moment (as I am still working on a documentary on the subject of 'Secret Mark') but here is the email I received this morning at 2:45 am which I think will interest regular readers (and some who pick up this story later on other sites):

Some time ago I had a long chat with Memos on the manuscript and I understand that the present librarian of the Patriarchal Library is methodically checking to see if the document was by error misplaced. In Memos opinion the present Librarian genuinely wants to trace this document.

There is more of course. I am only publishing a part of the original email. But I will be sending the original correspondence to Timo and a few other reputable associates. When something breaks, my regular readership will be the first to know.

At the very least, we have started the ball rolling to finally know WHETHER THE MAR SABA DOCUMENT still exists. If we don't come up with it in the next few weeks and months we can safely assume that it has been destroyed. And even that my friends, is progress ...

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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