Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Artifacts Associated with Commodus Show That His Closest Associates Were Christians

I just stumbled across this object on a collector's website. I will do more work to track down some better pictures but for the moment let me allow the owner to tell you how this confirms our theory about the Catholic Church developing from the inner court of the wicked Emperor Commodus. David Xavier Kenney (the collector) provides an excellent interpretation of the object here. Here is an extract of that discussion which is important for our ongoing discussions:

The ring's bezel shows what may be a combination of Pertinax and Marcia, or just Marcia as a Retarius gladiator and Commodus as a Sector gladiator with a lion skin. Commodus preferred to be a Sector and his later matches were in fact with Retarius gladiators, the lion skin is a symbol of Hercules. The semi-nude Retarius with a fishing trident and net may have been seen as symbolic of the Christian God as the "Fisherman". On the head of the Returius are the letters "P A R" , under the "P" is the letter "M". In front of this "M" there are the much smaller letters of "CI" that combined with the "A R" in the word "P A R" will spell "MARCI. Another view of these letters will show a distinct "A M" which may be for "AMAZONIA MARCI ". The "P A R" with the "M" should be for "PARTHICA" "MAXIMUS"; this was a title won by Lucius Verus the co-emperor (who campaigned in the east) with Marcus Aurelius, although Aurelius was also given this title it was Verus who had been earned it. However when the ring is slightly moved the "P" will then display an "E" in front of it, with the large "R" this is no doubt for "PERTINAX". It suggests that Pertinax had been on campaign against the Parthians with Verus, this would have been when he was an Auxiliary Centurion commanding the "Cohors VII Gallorum Equitata" (the VII Cohort of Mounted and Infantry Gauls). It should be mentioned that although it is recorded that Pertinax had commanded that auxiliary cohort in Syria, his participation in the Parthian campaign is a speculation. Upside down there is a face that is drinking from a cup, the cup is also a legionary cup (a cup with a handle), when moved the handle on this will show a figure as if rising up, it is a theme of resurrection, this is the first example of manual animation. An inscription of "L F X" identifies this as being specifically associated with the X Fretensis. It is thought that Marcia was influential in Commodus not issuing edicts against the Christians and providing some Christians with imperial appointments. Although the ancient writers do not mention her as a Christian, in my opinion the depiction and inscriptions seen on this ring shows that she was in fact a Christian. It also suggests that Pertinax may have had a sympathy or even an empathy with the Christians. Either way it is evident that Pertinax was viewed as a "Great Hope" for the Christians, as well as the rest of Rome.

Update: 'Dave' from the site responded to my inquiry about the object as follows:

Hi Stephan!

The 37 photos posted of this ring and the details on the bezel is what I have for now - The metal alloys and washes that were used make it extremely difficult to photograph and I have a bit of a crunch on with a current project. I can only say that the art on the ring for it's style is excellent, clear, and precise when seen in person. Additional info that is not seen in the photos is that the tip of Marcia's spear or lance is a phallus and is directed at an entrance to the Coliseum on the shield - At another angle the entrance has a depiction of Nero and is inscribed as such (although the Coliseum was not built in Nero's time). Other info. is that according to the symbolism Marcia was a member of an Egyptian Christian sect that evidently thought that with Comodus's death that another Christian savior would be born, somehow this is connected to the Fez hat and a comet. There is every indication that this ring was commissioned immediately after the death of Commodus, and that both the commissioner and the ring's maker were members of the same sect that Marcia belonged to. The ring was part of an old German Roman ring collection, the rings were sold separately, there were various types but many were legionary from all parts of the Roman empire. All the rings offered were inspected by a Roman museum expert in Germany - It was described as a Roman ring of a gladiator scene. I hope this info. will be of assistance!"

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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