Friday, February 26, 2010

I Will Have to Modify My Theory About the 'Gospel of the Circumcision'

My attempts to get from the 'Gospel of the Circumcision' to the 'Gospel of the Mixed' won't work. I had not recognised that the mem MUST be a prefix and the ṭet must be the third root-letter. Aside from that, the Hebrew root has HE and the Syriac one has ḤET. This makes the connection impossible. Everything I said about the Carpocratian gospel being a 'mixed gospel' and the Diatessaron being identified by the Syriac speaking tradition as 'the Gospel of the Mixed' still stands. I just can't go from their to the concept of the Gospel of the Circumcision.

At least you know that I (a) check and recheck my work and (b) admit when I am wrong about something.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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