I have been noticing that Joel Watts Alexa rankings have been plummeting since I broke the story about his incredible popularity in Pakistan. For the first time that I can ever remember he has dropped below 200,000 yesterday (he has been at around 70,000 for almost an eternity it seems, thanks to his friends in Pakistan!)
mmm. I wonder if all the people in Pakistan just realized that Joel DOESN'T run an Islamic website. In any event I have decided to continue to report the weekly popularity of thechurchofjesuschrist.us and hypotyposeis.org in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan until they are no longer among the most popular sites there:
Yesterday 212,902 +125,253
Thursday March 18, 2010 Alexa Pakistan Rankings:
Joel Watts

Stephan C Carlson

So it looks like Carlson is slowly gaining on Watts in terms of attracting a wider audience with his latest post On the Pistis Christou Debate. Oh, you know the Pakistani's go crazy for that stuff. In order for Joel to hold on to his lead he is going to have to go back to his strength, the fourth century Church Fathers. This is very popular with older Pakistanis.
And just to keep things in perspective, Joel's thechurchofjesuschrist.us is actually MORE POPULAR in Pakistan than he is in the UK and Canada! From Alexa: