While the rectangular shape might look like it is 'way off shore' it is owing to changes in the shoreline wrought by modern engineers in Egypt.
Getting back to Lochias, the peninsula that now remains is a shadow of its former self. The Royal Palace filled the northeast angle of the town and occupying the promontory of Lochias, which shut in the Great Harbour on the east. Lochias has almost entirely disappeared into the sea, together with the palaces, the "Private Port" and the island of Antirrhodus.
If we can mentally 'fill in' what is missing from that peninsula we can more easily fill in the original shoreline which would have placed what I assume to be the Jewish temple (the rectangular shape in the water) as the original shoreline in Boucolia.
One might even imagine a situation where the Jews might have built the temple out into the waters (either by moving stones or concrete) to avoid the 'pollution' of the graves which dotted the shore).