Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Jerome and the Preservation of Ancient Alexandrian Gnosis

St. Jerome, in one of his writings, puts the following words into the mouth of a Stoic, named Cheremon, who is describing the life of the ancient priestsof Egypt : "Their priests have no commerce with women from the time they attach themselves to the service of the divinities ; in order to quench the flames of unlawful desire, they abstain entirely from flesh and wine, and the ministers of Cybele were all eunuchs." Jerome appears to insinuate, that priests and monks, who rashly take upon themselves vows of chastity, and engage to guard a virginal purity, should use the infallible process of the pagan ministers when they discovered that the spirit was too weak to arrest the desires of the flesh. [Louis Marie DeCormenin A Complete History of the Popes of Rome p. 66]

Another example of Jerome secretly maintaining the ancient traditions of Alexandria. This is Marcionitism, folks.

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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