Sunday, April 3, 2011

Do You Remember a Few Posts Back When I Suggested We Write a Letter to the Current Pope Asking Him to Decide on the Authenticity of the Mar Saba Document?

I have been saying all along the Catholic tradition is the key to changing people's minds about the Mar Saba document. After demonstrating over a series of posts that the 'naked with naked' in the Letter to Theodore does not refer to a question about homosexuality but Plato's notion of being judged naked in the underworld, I am now engaged in demonstrating that Christianity has always understood these principles to compatible with Christianity. Here is what the current Pope Benedict XVI had to say about this in a recent book:

There is a justice that is not abolished by love. In the Gorgias of Plato we find a striking parable for it that is not nullified but rather fully validated by the Christian faith. Plato explains how the soul, after death, at last finds itself naked before the Judge. Now it no longer matters what rank it held in the world. Whether it is the soul of the king of Persia or of any other ruler, the Judge sees the scars of his perjuries and crimes:

with which each action has stained him, and he is all crooked with falsehood and imposture, and has no straightness, because he has lived without truth. [The Judge sees that he is] full of all deformity and disproportion, which is caused by license and luxury and insolence and incontinence. . . . Or, again, he looks with admiration on the soul of some just one who has lived in holiness and truth; he may have been a [free] man or not, . . . and sends it to the Isles of the Blessed. [Gorgias 523d - 524]

Wherever such convictions are strong, law and justice are also in force. [Joseph Ratzinger Europe today and tomorrow: addressing the fundamental issues p. 61]

I have been saying all along not only that all previous studies of the Mar Saba document are fundamentally flawed but the strategy of the advocates of authenticity has been pathetically inadequate. The 'hoaxers' by contrast have been tactically brilliant - use homosexuality to drive a wedge between public opinion and the document, make the proponents of authenticity seem like godless atheists and liberals and make themselves seem like 'defenders of the truth.'

This is all about to change now that finally understand what the text is saying and we appeal to a higher authority than a bunch of bloated British and American evangelicals.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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