Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Comparison Guide Between Mar Saba 65 and the Callinicus Collection at the Greek Library Website (Folio 1)

"You can not step twice into the same river” (Heraclitus, Cratylus 402a = DK22A6)

On my day off I plan to make scans of the images which I think help decide if Callinicus III (IV) is the author of Mar Saba 65.  The texts to look at include (all page numbers reference the websites pagination rather than the books themselves; emboldened sections are especially interesting):

Folio 1 = Καλλινίκου πατριάρχου Έργα και αντίγραφα. Αρχικώς ο κώδιξ ήτο Φρασάριον] p. 31 (right hand side), 34, 104, [look at the change of handwriting style 243, 247 - 248, 252 - 253, 265 (top)], 267 - 280 (compare some of the single stroke lambdas in this section and the care shown throughout), 283 - 284 (single and double stroke lambdas), 288 - 292, 297, 302 (single stroke lambda), [change of style 344 (top), 353], 354, [change of style 359 (top)], 360 (bottom) - 361 (single stroke lambdas), [change of style 365 - 367 (top), 371, 380 (top), 398, 401 notice the use of two dots at the end of the sentence cf. Mar Saba 65, 403 - 404] 405 (top) - 408 (top), 416, 417 - 422 (top), 424 -425, 454 (two dots), 462, 463 - 465, [change of style 468], 469 - 470, 471, 472.  I am starting to think that the ink was different in the Mar Saba letter than the Zagora letters.  My reasoning has something to do with the lambdas and the kind of writing that most of the tome represents.  The last few letters in this collection are particularly significant.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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