Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Secrecy (and Lies) With Respect to Gregory's Journey to Caesarea

Most scholars simply take the words of 'Theodore' at face value with respect to him being in the process to go to 'law school' in Beirut before stumbling on a chance encounter with Origen. Fergus Millar however notes that "we know nothing of the formal structure of teaching there, and are hardly entitled to speak of a 'Law School.'" [The Roman Near East p. 280] Yet Slusser notes that 'Theodore' (= Gregory) also never makes mention to his baptism which is explained as follows "the fact that he does not mention it [baptism] in the Address would suggest that the rite was considerably less significant to him than was the change of mind." [St. Gregory Thaumaturgus p.2] Yet I take the exact opposite opinion - Theodore obviously underwent a spiritual 'mystery' as described in the Mar Saba letter. More on that later ...

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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