4:1 - 13Jesus tempted by the Devil in the wilderness
4:14 - 28 Jesus Rejected atNazarethBethsaida (Ephrem) Synagogue No Mention in Epiphanius All the people in the synagogue were furious when they heard this. They got up, drove him out of the town, and took him to the brow of the hill on which the town was built, in order to throw him off the cliff. But he walked right through the crowd and went on his way. (Diatessaron parallel)
4:31 - 37 Jesus Drives Out an Impure Spirit No Mention in Epiphanius
4:38 - 39Jesus Visits Home of SimonNo Mention in Epiphanius
4:40 - 44Healed Many Rebuking them For Calling Him "the Son of God!”No Mention in Epiphanius
5 1 - 11Jesus Calls Peter and the Sons of ZebedeeNo Mention in Epiphanius
5 12 - 16 Jesus Heals the Leper "as a testimony to you.” Mentioned by Epiphanius
5 17 - 26 Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man On the Sabbath No Mention in Epiphanius
5 27 - 39 Jesus Calls Levi and Eats With Sinners No Mention in Epiphanius But Tertullian Says that John 'Suddenly' Appears Here for the First Time. Must be 'first time' in Irenaeus's account.
6 1 - 5 Jesus Feeding on the Sabbath “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” Mentioned by Epiphanius
6 6 - 11 Jesus Heals the Man With the Withered Hand No Mention in Epiphanius
6 12 - 16 Jesus Calls The Twelve Apostles Epiphanius Only Mentions Calling of Judas "He went down among them"
6 17 - 49Jesus's SermonNo Mention in Epiphanius Only 6:23 "for that is how their ancestors treated the prophets."
7 1 - 10 Jesus Raises Centurion's Boy Mentioned by Epiphanius “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.”
7 11 - 17Jesus Raises a Widow’s SonNo Mention in Epiphanius
7 18 - 35 Jesus and John the Baptist Mentioned by Epiphanius and All Our Sources
7 36 - 50 Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman Mentioned by Epiphanius
8 1 - 3The Women are IntroducedNo Mention in Epiphanius
8 4 - 18Jesus Gives ParablesNo Mention in Epiphanius
8 19 - 21 Jesus’ Mother and Brothers Mentioned by Epiphanius and All Our Sources
8 22 - 25 Jesus Calms the Storm Mentioned by Epiphanius
8 26 - 39 Jesus Restores Legion No Mention in Epiphanius But All The Rest
8 40 - 41, 49 - 56Jesus Raises a Dead GirlNo Mention in Epiphanius
8 42 - 48 Jesus Heals a Woman's Period Mentioned in Epiphanius
Friday, December 7, 2012
Which Passages Does Epiphanius Reference As Being in the Marcionite Gospel [Part One]
Email stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.