Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tertullian on Marcion's Interest in ΙΣ as 'Man'

this flesh, in fact, suffused with blood, scaffolded of bones, threaded through with sinews, intertwined with veins, competent to be born and to die, human unquestionably, as born of a human mother? And in Christ this flesh will be mortal precisely because Christ is man, and Son of Man. Else why is Christ called Man, and Son of Man, if he has nothing that is man's, and nothing derived from man?--unless perchance either man is something other than flesh, or man's flesh is derived from somewhere else than from man, or Mary is something other than human, or Marcion's god is a man. Unless one of these suppositions were true, Christ could not be described in the Scripture as man except with reference to his flesh, nor as Son of Man except with reference to some human parent: as neither could he be described as God without the Spirit of God, nor as the Son of God without God for his Father. [Tertullian, De Carne Christi 5]

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