After other matters, again from him (Peter)
Just as when we arise from the dead we receive a different body, not according to substance, but according to the quality made manifest in him. "For it is necessary that this perishable (nature) be clothed with imperishability" [1 Cor 15:53]. And thus the Lord gave life to his own body, and after he arose from the dead he made (it) imperishable that is, impassable and eternal. For this is the change to which the teacher [v 1 the apostle] says the Lord submitted. For he does not teach that he changed the substance of (his) body. Not at all!
Performing (this) spiritual service in a pure way, let us lift up "holy hands without anger and arguments" [1 Tim 2:8], being hopeful that we are being brought to life again. We will cease (our) fasts in the evening on Saturday when Holy Sunday begins to dawn four days before the Ides of April, which is the fifteenth of Pharmouth [10 April 309] on which day arose the one who was living and became (one of the) deadand again lives forever [cf Rev 1:18]. He aroused the thought(s) of his disciples who thought they "saw a ghost" [Luke 24:37] saying "Why are you troubled, and why do questionings rise in your hearts? Feel me and see that a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see me having." And having said this he showed them (his) hands and feet" [Luke 24:39 - 41]
(These) very things he established as reasonable through the change which happened in him, through which "they were prevented from recognizing him" [Luke 24:16] since even in this it was necessary for him to take precedence according to the apostolic word [cf Col 1:18]. Whence also someone took pains to feel him, who also truly becoming fully assured concerning his resurrection called him both Lord (and) God ... [cf John 20:27 - 28]
My commentary to follow ...