Sunday, July 18, 2010

We Might Have One Italian University Interested in Our Rediscovery of the Great Jewish προσευχή of Alexandria and the Martyrium of St. Mark

I received this email today (the exact name of the correspondent and the university are not mentioned because I haven't had time to confirm that they will allow me to publish them):

Dear Stephan,

Thank you for your letter and many felicitations on your recent article, which I did read. It is most interesting. I read your archaeological project as well, and, as a scholar interested in the origins of Christianity in Alexandria, I find it is terribly important for what might emerge from it.

After the summer vacations I shall forward your letter to our archaeology dept. I much hope they can do something.

With all best wishes,


This is the first person to respond to my efforts to raise $60,000 to start going beneath the sand that lines the shoreline of the ancient Jewish quarter of Alexandria. Harry Tzalas, the head of the effort and native Alexandrian responded to the email by saying:

That is a good start; we will have to keep trying in all directions ... In fact it is well possible that a complete survey of the area will reveal interesting finds for both the προσευχή and the Martyrium.

I think what Harry is suggesting is that we continue to raise AS MUCH money as possible and AS MANY PARTNERS as is feasible to finally survey THE ENTIRE SHORELINE of what was in the first century the center of the Jewish community of Alexandria and later the epicenter of Egyptian Christianity and quite possibly, the place from which Christianity actually originated.

This will mean that I will continue to line up partners into the beginning of the new semester. That means for all of you reading this blog, keep the emails and pledges for participation coming!

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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