I had seen, more than half a century ago, when I was in Alexandria, in the crypt of the St. Mark church in the centre of Alexandria the body of a Patriarch, in his ceremonial dress sitting on a wooden throne. The face was "dried" and it looked more as a skull than a mommy. When I returned some ten years ago to look at the crypt a brand new cathedral had been built on top of the old church, it was resplendent with white marble...and when I went down into the crypt the original steps carved in the rock had been replace by "luxurious" marble. I remember saying to the priest who was guiding me that it now looked more than a Hilton hotel than a crypt...And there was a closed door so I could not see what I believe is the burial ground of the Copt Patriarchs. I must say that I did not insist in entering as my interest was not related to the dead Patriarchs, I only wanted to see how deep the crypt was going.
I intend to try and enter the crypt and I hope I will do it before long.