The magic word in your text is "tanners"....Indeed the area adjacent to the East of Chatby had tanneries. There is a text of one of the Italian Archaeologists that excavated in the area, I believe it is Evaristo Breccia [I will have to check] that refers to tanneries, so it makes absolutely sense that tanners on their way to the Canopic gate would walk from the littoral [tanneries were on the coat near the sea] and pass in from of the Martyrium, then continue for about 800 m to enter the city through the Canopic gate [Rosetta gate, Eastern gate, Bab El Sharki, different nominations for the same and only gate for those entering the city from East].
Looking at the satellite map, you have to take the road passing in front of the Coptic cemetery and keep going South, until a rond-point where that road meet the main Alexandria street, Rue Fouad, renamed Horreyia, ancient Via Canopica.