Friday, May 1, 2009

Was there a whole Christian community living at Chatby by the fourth century

A sample of what appears in the Real Messiah order it here

Harry, Let reconsider the building at Casino Chatby. You suggested that Christians might have lived near the Martyrium. This is also confirmed by a number of sources including the one I just cited where a nun had a cell right there (we hear this echoed when Arius the heretic is expelled and takes with him hundred of nuns living near or on the premises of the Martyrium). Isn't it possible that Peter recognizes the two people walking down the street as Christians because they were walking from the end of the street (where Casino Chatby is) past the martyrium toward the street which led to the Rosetta Gate (and the market)? In other words, by the fact that they were coming from the direction of the Casino Chatby there were Christians.

Email with comments or questions.

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