Saturday, June 13, 2009

Boid on the compatibility of systems centred on the Heptad and Ogdoad

What you have written about the numbers six and seven is sound. The concept of the coming of the manifestation of the number seven is exactly right. You are also quite right in seeing the Resurrection as necessarily being on the Sabbath. However, the seventh day IN OUR WORLD NOW is not the day of perfection, but the day of the process of arrival of perfection. As Jesus said in John IV, the hour is coming, and is here. Both statements are true. The World to Come is the World Coming, that is, the World that will come, but also the World that is even now in the process of coming. Jesus had work to do in the Underworld on the Sabbath (Epistle of Jude i.e. Yehuda). When Jesus was reproached for healing on the Sabbath (which actually is both permissible and commendable, as his critics knew), he said: “My Father works, and I work”. This means not that some forms of work are permissible on the Sabbath, but rather that the process of perfecting, the process of manifestation of the number seven, is still going on. The Sabbath is NOT YET the day of perfection, because the full manifestation of the number seven is not quite here yet. The resurrection was at the very last instant of the Sabbath. The first day or Sunday (starting after dark on Saturday night) is the day of looking back on the Resurrection as having happened. Some Churches have their first observance of the event on Saturday night, immediately after the Sabbath, and therefore after the event; others have it on Sunday morning, after the time when Mary Magdalene and others had come to know of the Resurrection. The theology is the same either way. It is a fallacy of popular thinking that makes Sunday the day of Resurrection. It is not that. It is the day of observance of the Resurrection as having happened beforehand. You are quite right in refusing to accept the common misconception.

Notice the significance of the number 666 in the book of Revelation. The Beast or Antichrist wants to hold the world back in the era of the number six, trying to stop the manifestation of the seven or seventh.

The reference to the book of Revelation was to point out that here we have an illustration of the fact that that this concept of the change from six to seven was not a new one, but something in the general thought of the time. This would have made it easier for the followers of Mark to communicate their system to others IN VERY GREAT NUMBERS without needing too much explanation.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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