Friday, June 12, 2009

On the word mimino in Dt. XXXIII: 2

Just to make clear - the word mimino contains the word yamin within it. The change of pronunciation has no significance.

The word mimino מימינו in Dt. XXXIII: 2 means “on his right”. Remember what was said earlier, that a simple statement of being saved by the right arm ימין of God or the arm זרוע of God means being saved by something that feels like direct intervention. The angels are to God’s right, meaning they are the agents of his will.

Think of a royal or imperial court. The individual standing or sitting to the emperor’s right is the Grand Vizier, or the Lord Chancellor. If there is a Vice-Roy, he will sit on the Emperor’s right, and will if appropriate speak directly with the authority of the Emperor. A Vice-Roy could also be located in a specific country away from the court. A recent example. George VI was Emperor of India. Lord Mountbatten, a very close equally German relative (Mountbatten translates Battenberg) ruled India as Vice-Roy. Note the use of the term “ruled”, not “governed”. The Jewish Exilarchs in Babylonia ruled with royal authority as Vice-Roy of an unmanifested Davidic King. Moses ruled Israel as Vice-Roy of God. What he said was had divine authority, but a borrowed divine authority. A Vice-Roy has royal status, but it is bestowed by the King or Emperor. The way of saying this in Biblical Hebrew and in many languages is to say “he is given half the kingdom”. (Please dump the stupid common interpretation of the expression as referring to a division of the area of the country). Joseph was Vice-Roy of Egypt.

Below the Vice-Roy (if there is one) is the Lord Chancellor. Below, that is, further to the right, are the Privy Council. God’s Privy Council is frequently referred to in the Bible. Have a look at the second chapter of Job. This is often called the “Assembly of the God”.

In this verse of Deuteronomy, the figure of tens of thousands means an uncountable number. (Ten thousand times ten thousand is a milliard, an American billion. Ten thousand milliards is a real billion, a million million, an American trillion).They are said to be to the right in this verse because they are the Emperor’s active agents. In an Imperial Court, the Keeper of Records would be to the Emperor’s left. The Lord Chancellor, on the Emperor’s right, would, through various degrees of delegation, make sure each decision or judgment by the Emperor was put into detailed form, costed, budgeted for, gazetted, enforced, administered, and reviewed.

Now I can suggest a way of re-writing the part of the book where you mistakenly connected the word zera meaning seed with a different word meaning little and then with the mediaeval Arabic word leading to the English word zero. Here is what really exists. A Hebrew and Aramaic word זרע meaning a seed or seeds collectively. A Hebrew and Aramaic word זעיר meaning “only a little bit” in Hebrew and “little” in Aramaic. The normal Hebrew word meaning little, צעיר. The Hebrew word זרוע meaning “arm”, but with strong symbolic connotations and connections with Scriptural verses that can be used

Don’t worry about my corrections to what I had written The amount for you to unlearn is very little. Try it and you will see that everything becomes clearer. Now, why did the LXX translators leave out the words eshdat lamo, meaning “he (God) has an eshdat”? I would guess because I think the word eshdat can imply the future. I say this because the word has no possible etymology, and is therefore a symbolic word, like Shilo. (The derivation from esh and dat is not a real etymology, but a pun useful for conveying part of the meaning). I can’t find the meaning yet, but it must be somewhere here or in some other part of the Torah with a linkage to this verse.

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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