Wednesday, March 12, 2008

On Meir's original name Mayesha

The af’el participle mesha’ מישע and the Hebrew hif’il participle מושיע both mean “one who saves” or “saviour”, from the root ישע in both cases. The names יהושע Yehoshua’ (Samaritan pronunciation Yê’ûsha) and its shortened form ישוע Yeshua and the name הרשע Hoshea’ (anglice Hosea) all mean “the Lords saves” or “the Lord is salvation”, and allude to the last verses of Deuteronomy XXXIII. This is the passage Jesus had in mind when he said to the Samaritan woman in John IV “Ye venerate what ye do not know (i.e. are not familiar with by direct acquaintance, since the Sanctuary vanished in the time of the High Priest ‘Azzi, when the Râ’ûta (Favour) ended and the Fânûta (Turning away [of the face of God] started. We venerate what we know. THE Salvation (see Deuteronomy) is from the (tribe of ) Judah (not Levi, not Ephraim)”.

Note well: the verb means both” venerate” (a place) or “worship”(God” according to the case of the following noun, whether accusative or dative. See the neighbouring verses for the distinction. ALL COMMENTATORS AND ALL MODERN TRANSLATIONS HAVE MISSED THIS, BECAUSE THE COMMENTATORS AND THEOLOGIANS ARE TOO THICK TO LOOK AT THE GREEK RATHER THAN THEIR TRANSLATION. Besides, THEIR COMMAND OF GREEK IS LIMITED.

A sample of what appears in the Real Messiah order it here

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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