Sunday, June 15, 2008

Boid on the word 'Evangelist' and the Throne of St Mark

Evangelistes equals Mevasser, in an allusion to Isaiah LXI. Note, however, that the cross in the inscription, although not quite vertical, is not slanted enough to be a capital Chi, which should look like a Roman capital X. Note that the angles of the two lines of a Chi to each other are not right angles. The cross on the book held by the eagle would look vertical on the cover of the book, like a big plus sign, like this. +

I will look at some pictures of Chi in the period and see whether the lines can meet at right angles.

Don’ t forget that Tav in the Old Hebrew alphabet was originally a cross. In the specifically Samaritan form it has been modified. The form in the monogram is like a slanted capital N. The Samaritan form used in print is from a later period. Note that I am saying this Tav is old. What I will have to look at now is the shapes of the letters in Old Hebrew used by Jews in the revolt against Rome and in some Qumran mss. It is a cross that is meant in the place in Ezekiel where it says the elect had a Tav put on their foreheads. The word there is Tav (spelt Tav Vav). Also, if you look carefully at the Targum of Ezekiel and the Targums (plural) of Genesis and work out their terminology and cross-referencing of terminology, you will see that the mark of divine protection on Cain’ s forehead was a Tav in the shape of a cross. In its very oldest form it was equal-armed but slanted like a big lower-case X. Later forms are like an equal-armed vertical cross or like a Christian cross.

Have you read the bit right at the end where I give a reason for the use of the Old Hebrew alphabet? Of course, this is only one aspect of the reason. The details still need to be thought out.

A sample of what appears in the Real Messiah order it here

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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