Saturday, June 14, 2008

Revelations and the Throne of St. Mark

Although is not known for certain if the writer of the book of Revelation had any genuine information, none of those that are dubious about the book say it is entirely wrong. There are echoes in that book of the revelation of the Tetragrammaton in its full meaning. I said a bit on that in the unfinished article on the throne.

Two important observations. The four streams of water flow INTO the hexagon and spread out, as it says, “watering the whole earth”. So the hexagon is the created world, as you say. In that case, the curved line might be the missing seventh dimension.

If the ram is Moses, he stands above the material world and above the four rivers, the manifestation of the Torah as supporter of creation. The tree with fruit is then the single heavenly Torah with its multiple and diverse fruit, as often depicted to this day. Creation starts at the date of nought degrees of Aries. The numerical value of, t.ale, the name of the sign of Aries, is 44. (And the Tetragrammaton has four letters). And Moses has ram’s horns [Exodus XXXIV:29-35]. Note all the fours in the symbolism on the throne. Is this one of the reasons why there was no objection to the invention of the concept of four books of the Gospel?

A sample of what appears in the Real Messiah order it here

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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