Sunday, June 14, 2009

List of 'Visions' in the Torah

Here is a list of the places in the Torah that certainly speak of a vision. It turns out that the Ninth Vision of the Torah is the Burning Bush. This might be why the ram on the throne is not caught in the bush. The bush might both the one in Gn XXII:13 and the one in Ex III:2. [They are not the same word in Hebrew]. Unless of course the ram is a symbol of Moses at the Bush. In that case the ram is also Agrippa and the bush or tree is the new Torah. The ram has horns, but they don’t stand up yet. It is a ram in its second year. Please try to sort this out. I still think the Ninth Vision must be the one in Zechariah, but you will remember I have always insisted there must be a reference to a passage in the Torah.

Otherwise, if you count the passages I have put in square brackets, the Ninth Vision is the angels going up and down from Heaven to Mt. Gerizim.

First. To Abram. Gn XII:7.
Second. To Abram. Gn XV:1.
[Omitting. To Hagar. Gn XVI:7].
Third. To Abram. Gn XVII:1.
Fourth. To Abraham and Sarah. Gn XVIII:1 and 2. Read what follows. Compare verse nine to verse ten.
[Omitting. To Lot. Gn XIX:1].
Fifth. To Isaac. Gn XXVI:2.
Sixth. To Jacob. Gn XXVIII:13.(See XXV:1).
[Omitting Gn XXXI:11-13].
Seventh. To Jacob. Gn XXXII:25 (see verse 3).
Eighth. To Jacob. Gn XXXV:9.
Ninth. Exodus III:2.
Tenth. The revelation at Sinai, and afterwards. See Numbers XII:8.

This needs a lot more work. Sorry about the confusion.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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