Friday, June 12, 2009

On the Kabbala of Marcus the Gnostic - the letter Vav

I wrote:

I got it all figured out now. The sixth letter "vav" represents
repentance. This is why it is depicted "leaving the fold." The
function of adding the letter "vav" to words in the past tense to turn
them around to the future and words in the future to turn them around
to the past symbolizes "repentance." waw is also in the word teshuvah
which means of course "repentance" and related to the taheb the messiah
of the Samaritans.

So it is that waw is also preserved as being spelled with two vav's
(i.e. vv) so that it has the numerical value of 6 + 6 and thus by
association is the twelfth and thus again the value of thirty which is

Finally and I don't quite know how this relates to all of this.
Jastrow in his Sepher Milim says that vav-vav-aleph is another way of
saying abba i.e. father.

Boid wrote back:

You are right. The evidence from Irenaeus is conclusive on its own, but
there is much more. I will plough through this over the course of the week.
An observation. Do you realise the significance of your connection of the
Tâ'eb with repentance? For the first time, there is now an explanation of
why the participle is in the Qal, not the Af'el. To mean restorer it would
have to be the Af'el, mâteb. The Qal means both "the one that returns" and
"the one that repents". You have discussed the significance of repentance,
but might I suggest that it applies to the word Tâ'eb as well? I don't know
how the concept would fit. Any suggestions? Can this be fitted in with my
reconstruction of the term "the Cairn of the Repentance of Lîbi" on p. 13 of
my article The Transmission of the Samaritan Joshua-Judges? Are those that
follow Dositheos repenters because Dositheos was the fist repenter? I can't
think of any mention of this in what we have, but I might need to think
further. The connection with restoring can still be brought in. I can't see
how a meaning that only fits the Af'el can be found in the word Tâ'b, but it
might not be a question of grammar but rather association. See Mark IX: 12.

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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