Monday, August 17, 2009

Another Way to Explain My Book

I just had another idea to explain or justify why I wrote the Real Messiah. It comes as a direct result of my silly feud with another writer.

This person wanted to make our disagreements into a fight about absolutes - i.e. between what the Roman/European Church has always believed versus what this crazy writer Stephan Huller is claiming in his new book the Real Messiah. I on the other hand would rather have this about possibilities - i.e. the possibility that the Roman tradition is an appropriation and misappropriation of the original faith of the Alexandrian Church.

The differences between us come down to our personal belief systems. My opponent was a pastor who - as part of his job description - needs to offer solid facts and simple answers. In other words, that there is certainty about the Church. That all you need to know is what our Fathers always believed.

I on the other hand was never baptized into this faith so I think about Christianity in the way others might fantasize about a beautiful woman. I ask questions like 'I wonder what she's really like?' instead of like 'all I have to do is get on my hands on knees and worship her' (the analogy of likening the Church to the woman is hardly blasphemous; it is present in the earliest [canonical] texts of the Church)

So it was that my daydreaming led me to consider the Alexandrian Church as a more beautiful and more virtuous woman to get married to than the Roman Church. Is this again a blasphemous proposition?

Whenever you are preparing to get married to someone questions necessarily cross your mind - what kind of a background does this person come from? what will they be like in twenty years?

As someone who had never been married to any 'woman' (at least metaphorically) my book the Real Messiah was an attempt to develop a pedigree for the maiden I found to be the most virtuous and the most suitable for marriage.

Others might want to be married to other woman and that is only to be expected. If God wanted us all to be betrothed to the same person he would have sanctioned polygamy (what he did in Genesis? well you know what I mean).

The point is that we each have our way to rock and our own way to roll. If you want a straight forward expression of faith it is within your rights to believe in the Roman see of Peter (or whatever other later heresy that arose from that tradition). If you want a true mystery religion then you will naturally fall in love with the Alexandrian Church. For historical circumstances have conspired to turn an original mystery religion into something almost impossible to fathom.

So it was that my Real Messiah was written. As a love letter to my beloved ...

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.