Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Greatest Argument for the Authenticity of Secret Mark

Morton Smith was a genius but he wasn't God. As Marvin Meyer noted a while back - they best argument for the authenticity of to Theodore is that he didn't properly understand all the implications of his discovery.

I brought forward Irenaeus' testimony that 'those of Mark' thought that Mark x.38 'affirmed' that Jesus redeemed at least one of the sons of Zebedee just before his crucifixion.

If the plumbers that now guide the study of the New Testament and Patristic writings actually understood the implications of this statement they would know that THERE HAD TO BE A VERSION OF THE GOSPEL OF MARK which placed a baptism - or the gnostic equivalent of that ritual - in the place that to Theodore says that the autographed copy of Mark says it was.

All that these dingbats have to is understand that by 'redemption' the followers of Mark meant a ritual which martyrs initiated their closest followers in order to 'prepare' their closest followers IN IMITATION OF SOMETHING DESCRIBED IN THEIR VERSION OF THE GOSPEL THAT OCCURRED BETWEEN JESUS AND HIS CLOSEST DISCIPLE JOHN-MARK.

At this point in the narrative of Mark, Jesus is preparing to enter Jerusalem. He is about to cross the Jordan - itself a highly symbolic act.

This would be the exact place to expect to find the very 'redemption' described in Irenaeus report. Indeed it is hard to argue that Irenaeus almost goes out of his way to tell us this very thing. Those who have ears, let them hear ...

Email with comments or questions.

Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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