Saturday, October 3, 2009

A Curious Statement in Origen

In the same way we have woven a garment for the cold and shivering Christ. We have received the fabric of wisdom from God that we may impart knowledge to some and clothe them with "compassion, chastity, kindness, lowliness" and the other virtues. All these virtues are the spiritual garments of those who have listened to the words of those who teach these virtues, according to him who says "put on then, compassion, kindness, lowliness, gentleness" and so forth more so Christ himself, who is all these things to the faithful according to him who said "put on the Lord Jesus" [Rom 13:14]. Therefore we have clothed with garments of this type "one of the least" who believed in Christ, we have apparently clothed the Lord himself so that the word in the world will not go naked. [Commentary on Matthew 72 GCS 38.2.169]

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Stephan Huller's Observations by Stephan Huller
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