32. Irenaeus says that the Marcosians hold that
"the Ogdoad is indicated by man in this way: that he possesses two ears, the like number of eyes, also two nostrils, and a twofold taste, namely, of bitter and sweet. Moreover, they teach that the whole man contains the entire image of the Triacontad as follows: In his hands, by means of his fingers, he bears the Decad ... [b]ut the Ogdoad, as being unspeakable and invisible, is understood as hidden in the viscera." [AH i.18.1]
Clement of Alexandria writes that
"there is a ten in man himself: the five senses, and the power of speech, and that of reproduction; and the eighth is the spiritual principle communicated at his creation; and the ninth the ruling faculty of the soul; and tenth, there is the distinctive characteristic of the Holy Spirit, which comes to him through faith." [Stromata vi.16]
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stephan.h.huller@gmail.com with comments or questions.